Book Review

Book Review – The Murder Farm 

Book: Tannöd/The Murder Farm by Andrea Maria Schenkel(Translated from the German by Anthea Bell)
Genre: Thriller, Mystery

Everybody enjoys a good horror story once in a while. Whether you read it or you watch it, there is no denying the fact that we are drawn to it by the sheer mystery of it all, the oozing curiosity that will only be contained by knowing how the story ends. That is exactly what I felt when I started reading The Murder Farm by Andre Maria Schenkel.

The book transports us to Tannöd, a German village where people are starting to get their life together years after the Second World War. The veil of peace is lifted when a murder occurred in the Danner farmhouse, leaving the people in the village in grief and scared. We will see the story through the eyes of different people living in the village, each giving us a glimpse of who the Danner family is. The story slowly unfolds as you read each testimony while you’re trying to figure out which one is the innocent and which one is guilty, seeing everything through the eyes of the living and the dead.

The first time I read this book it made me feel confused and anxious at the same time. Typically, when I read something in the same genre, I can guess what will happen in the next chapter but in this book there are instances where I mutter to myself “what the hell?” as I go on.

When I decided to create this blog, I thought that I will make a review about this because for me, it is unforgettable,in the back of my mind I thought that reading it for the second time wouldn’t be as creepy as the first one, so I decided to pick up the book and revisit Tannöd. And so I thought. Reading this the second time around only made the story scarier because this time I am going in knowing what will happen and what to expect, those “what the hell?” turned into “Oh no.”

If you’re interested in crime novels, you can check this out. You purchase a copy from Amazon.

I almost forgot to mention, it was based on a true story. If you’re interested on the real story here are some links as a start:

But I do suggest reading the book first.

Thank you for reading! If you’ve read the book please do let me know what you think in the comments.

Any book recommendations are welcome!

I’ll talk to you on my next blog! Have a great day.

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