Top Ten Tuesday

New Books, Please!

Hi there!

Welcome to this week’s Top Ten Tuesday.

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January 2018. It was born of a love of lists, books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

This week we are going to chat about the authors I’d love a new book from. And I have a couple of authors in mind so let’s start!

Madeline Miller
The author of The Song of Achilles and Circe

After reading all of her books (including one of her short fiction), I am desperate to read more from her.

Bob Ong
The author of ABNKKBSNPLAKo?! and more.

He is the only Filipino author I keep up to and it has been a while since he published a book. He is one of those authors who never showed his face or even had a social media presence. So, no luck in getting any updates. Based on his age, which I’m guessing is probably around 55-60 years old, I am worried. He is the same age as most of my Uncles and Aunts and they are starting to get sick. You know where my mind is going. It looks like it is time to reread his work.

George R.R. Martin
The author of the A Song of Ice and Fire series

Do I need to tell you why? I think we all know why. *screams internally*

Laini Taylor
The author of Strange the Dreamer and Daughter of Smoke and Bone series

I know I have yet to read the Daughter of Smoke and Bone series but, I don’t want to force myself. I’m just going to wait for a new book.

Junji Ito
The mangaka of Tomie, Uzumaki and more.

I’m not sure if he is creating something new but I am looking forward nonetheless. And no, I am not counting that Netflix adaptation.

Dan Brown
The author of the Robert Langdon series

I just randomly thought of Brown and if he is planning to add another book to the Robert Langdon series. The last one was a bit boring. But I don’t really care if he doesn’t.

That’s it for me.

What about you? Any author you’d love to publish a new book?

Thank you so much for reading. Have a great week ahead and I’ll talk to you again later this week for a new book review.

One thought on “New Books, Please!

  1. While I heard 3 names off your list before, I can’t say I ever read them 🙈
    I can always get new books from Ruth Ware!! Which is good she just got a new one out 👀


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